
Besøg på “Den Lille Fede” i København

Den Lille Fede, Store Kongensgade 17, 1264 København, Denmark, Besøgt den 8. Juni 2013. Bedømmelse 5 ud af 5   Besøgte restauranten med nogle kolleger og blev positivt overrasket af, tja, alle dele af besøget. Vi fik en 5 retters middag, og hver af de 5 retter var lige unikke, velsmagende og lækre! Indrømmet, jeg …

Visiting “Den Lille Fede” in Copenhagen

Den Lille Fede, Store Kongesngade 17, 1264 København, Denmark, Visited on June 8th, 2013. Rating 5 out of 5   Went here with a bunch of colleagues and was pleasantly surprised by, well, every aspect of the stay. We had the 5 course dinner, and all of the five dishes were equally unique, tasteful and …

Rhodos rundt i bil – Kamiros – *****

Besøgt den 10. Maj 2013. Bedømmelse 5 ud af 5 Området udenfor det gamle Kamiros, emmer af det simple og fantastiske landskab, der dannede grundlaget for hverdagslivet for Kamirosenerne(?) for tusinder af år siden. Grønne bjerge fulde af liv på den ene side og det dybe blå ocean på den anden. Hvem ville ikke ønske at …

Rhodos rundt i bil

I går besluttede vi os for at køre lidt rundt på Rhodos på egen hånd. Vi besluttede også at gøre det modsatte af Apollo guidernes anbefaling (vi er vel rebeller!) og kontaktede en lokal biludlejer, Speedway Rent-a-Car. Hel-dags leje fra €35 for den mindste bil, en Huyndai Atos, men vi valgte at gå efter noget …

Rhodes Road Trip

Yesterday, we had decided to do a little touring of Rhodes ourselves. We decided to go against our Apollo guides recommendations (The rebel lives on!) and go for a local car rental company, Speedway Rent-a-Car. Full-day prices from €35 for the smallest car, a Huyndai Atos, but we decided to go for a bigger – …

Rhodes Road Trip – Kalithea Springs – *****

Kalithea Springs, Municipality of Kalithea, 85100 Kalithea, Rhodes, Greece Visited on May 10th, 2013. Rating 5 out of 5 The quite big entrance to Kalithea Springs does not give much away about what is hidden inside. It takes only little imagination to envision what the place looked like at the former peak of its time …

Rhodes Road Trip – Lindos – ****.

Visited on May 10th, 2013, rating 4 out of 5 Lindos town poses a postcard perfect opposite to the battered down part of southern Rhodes. The old town below the towering acropolis on top of the mountain, really takes you back to ancient Greece. Stepping into the city, however, bursts your bubble as the city …

Apolakkia – Amalia – *****

Amalia, Plazza del paese, Apolakkia, Rhodes, Greece Visited on May 10th, 2013. Rating 5 out of 5 This… This is what we have been looking for the entire week… A real, genuine, greek restaurant with real, genuine, greek food! Amalia is that restaurant, and next time we come to Rhodes, we will travel all the …

Rhodes Road Trip – Monolithos Castle – *****

Visited on May 10th, 2013. Rating 5 out of 5 Get ready for some mountain climbing as you head through the woods for the Monolithos Castle. It was built in the 1480ies by the Knights of St John as a protective fortification, a very effective fortification one might say, as the castle was never conquered. …

Rhodes Road Trip – Ancient Kamiros – *****

Visited on May 10th, 2013. Rating 5 out of 5 The site outside of ancient Kamiros itself, oozes of the simple and yet wonderful scenario, founding the everyday life of the common Kamirosean(?) thousands of years ago. Lush green mountains and hills on one side, and the blue ocean on the other. Who would not …