The world of Mohalia is as old as time. Civilizations and fauna has come and gone while eons passed, and with them, the gods have watched from up on high.
In Mohalia, the gods are in close contact with the inhabitants – be it humanoids, savages or animals. A cleric can always count on a response when sending a prayer to their god. But so can a small child in vain or an elderly in pain.
The pantheon consist of 12 greater deities and a countless number of lesser deities. To do their bidding, the celestial messengers, called serphims, and their counterparts, called demons or devils, depending on their origin, frequently walks the surface of Mohalia and even mingles with its inhabitants.
The 12 greater deities are as follows:
Deity | Alignment | Symbol |
Pires, god of joy and good fortune | CG | – |
Lumines, goddess of the light | CG | Three beams in a fan, spreading top left to bottom right |
Seraphin, goddess of poetry and song | NG | A five stringed lute |
Kintara, god of magic and nature | LG | A radiant tree |
Elmeer, god of justice | LG | Iron-clad glove wielding a hammer |
Aren, god of the dead and rebirth | LN | – |
Ectori, god of tyranny | LE | A fist pointing down |
Vorkath, goddess of pain | LE | – |
Lynk, god of darkness and death | NE | A black triangle with a thin, black line around it |
Crom, goddess of the sea | CE | A wave with two tops |
Phax, god of lies | CE | A split tungue |
Imrae, goddess of thieves | CN | – |

Reining over the 12 major deities is the Great Mother, Archaeona. She has been ruling the gods of Mohalia across time, dividing power and glory between the different gods as she saw fit.
Current lore
The gods are dead. Or at least gone. For the past 15 years, no priest, cleric or acolyte have heard or seen anything from their gods. Not just the good gods, but all of them.
Leaving the cleargy powerless and without their godly ballast has thrown Mohalia into turmoil. Cults of various unsacred false gods have started to rear their heads, claiming religious power, particularly among the humans.
Alas, the gods are not dead. They are trapped. Deep within the center of Mohalia. Lynk schemed alongside Phax and tricked the other gods into the Redundant Quadrilax, a soul prison though destroyed millenea ago. As the other gods were trapped in the Quadrilax, Imrae and Elmeer both got hands in Lynk and Phax, and all thus all the gods – including Lynk and Phax – became trapped inside the Quadrilax.
Now, potentially lock in the foot-long box for an eternity, the gods can do nothing but to wait. For release. Or death.